142 research outputs found

    News as a Conversation. A Comparative Analysis of the Language of Online and Printed News in Italy

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    Previous studies on newspaper language have already pointed out how the language of written news has undergone significant changes in the last two or three decades. The aim of this study is to move a step forward and to compare the use of selected linguistic features in online and in printed Italian news  . The main hypothesis is that Internet and communication technologies have introduced important transformations in the way news is written, organized and delivered, and that the consequences of these transformations are observable at all levels of linguistic analysis.Previous studies on newspaper language have already pointed out how the language of written news has undergone significant changes in the last two or three decades. The aim of this study is to move a step forward and to compare the use of selected linguistic features in online and in printed Italian news  . The main hypothesis is that Internet and communication technologies have introduced important transformations in the way news is written, organized and delivered, and that the consequences of these transformations are observable at all levels of linguistic analysis

    Les collocations comme indice pour distinguer les genres textuels

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    Cette Ă©tude se propose de vĂ©rifier l’efficacitĂ© des collocations en tant qu’indice pour distinguer les genres textuels. De plus, elle a le double objectif d’aborder l’exploration de la variabilitĂ© de l’italien en utilisant des mĂ©thodologies computationnelles, et de vĂ©rifier l’efficacitĂ© d’une nouvelle mesure d’association dans l’étude des collocations.Quatre typologies de collocations ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es (verbe-nom, nom-adjectif, nom-nom et nom-prĂ©position-nom) dans six genres textuels diffĂ©rents, dont trois sont Ă©crits (textes littĂ©raires, textes acadĂ©miques et compositions scolaires) et trois sont oraux (conversations, discours et dialogues filmiques).La frĂ©quence des collocations dans les diffĂ©rents genres montre que chaque typologie de texte a des prĂ©fĂ©rences spĂ©cifiques pour des typologies de collocations spĂ©cifiques; la seule frĂ©quence et la seule distinction entre textes Ă©crits et oraux, toutefois, ne rĂ©ussit pas Ă  interprĂ©ter cette diffĂ©rente distribution selon un modĂšle cohĂ©rent. A cet effet, la mesure statistique de la gravitĂ© lexicale semble possĂ©der une efficacitĂ© majeure, comme nous essayerons de dĂ©montrer.Collocations as an Index for Distinguishing Text GenresThis paper aims to incorporate collocations as an index to distinguish text genres: our main hypothesis is that collocations, as well as other linguistic features, are potentially suitable to identify genres. Thus, this is mostly an exploratory study, aimed at verifying this hypothesis and at taking a deeper look into register variation across different genres in Italian with computational and statistical methods.Furthermore, in a broader perspective, this study might give significant contributions in other fields, such as automatic genre identification [Santini 2004], measure of text cohesion [Louwerse et al. 2004] or text readability, where the detection of collocations as a marker of genres can increase the accuracy of computational tools devoted to these tasks

    Second language learning for vulnerable adult migrants: The case of the Italian public school

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    Over the last years, thousands of asylum seekers and refugees have arrived in Italy, including a large number of teenagers without any adult caregivers and women. A significant part of them is placed in the Italian language courses for foreigners organised by the Provincial Centre for Adult Education, commonly called CPIA (Centro Provinciale per l’Istruzione degli Adulti). This paper addresses the exploration of the language testing and assessment of the courses organized by this institution. With the aim of evaluating these aspects, the paper concentrates on the CPIA, its teachers, and its students. Focusing on CPIA’s language courses, we investigate the language testing and assessment carried out at the beginning and at the end of the language courses. Thanks to these observations, the paper tries to identify some critical aspects and to understand their causes

    Les collocations comme indice pour distinguer les genres textuels

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    Cette Ă©tude se propose de vĂ©rifier l’efficacitĂ© des collocations en tant qu’indice pour distinguer les genres textuels. De plus, elle a le double objectif d’aborder l’exploration de la variabilitĂ© de l’italien en utilisant des mĂ©thodologies computationnelles, et de vĂ©rifier l’efficacitĂ© d’une nouvelle mesure d’association dans l’étude des collocations.Quatre typologies de collocations ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es (verbe-nom, nom-adjectif, nom-nom et nom-prĂ©position-nom) dans six genres textuels diffĂ©rents, dont trois sont Ă©crits (textes littĂ©raires, textes acadĂ©miques et compositions scolaires) et trois sont oraux (conversations, discours et dialogues filmiques).La frĂ©quence des collocations dans les diffĂ©rents genres montre que chaque typologie de texte a des prĂ©fĂ©rences spĂ©cifiques pour des typologies de collocations spĂ©cifiques; la seule frĂ©quence et la seule distinction entre textes Ă©crits et oraux, toutefois, ne rĂ©ussit pas Ă  interprĂ©ter cette diffĂ©rente distribution selon un modĂšle cohĂ©rent. A cet effet, la mesure statistique de la gravitĂ© lexicale semble possĂ©der une efficacitĂ© majeure, comme nous essayerons de dĂ©montrer.Collocations as an Index for Distinguishing Text GenresThis paper aims to incorporate collocations as an index to distinguish text genres: our main hypothesis is that collocations, as well as other linguistic features, are potentially suitable to identify genres. Thus, this is mostly an exploratory study, aimed at verifying this hypothesis and at taking a deeper look into register variation across different genres in Italian with computational and statistical methods.Furthermore, in a broader perspective, this study might give significant contributions in other fields, such as automatic genre identification [Santini 2004], measure of text cohesion [Louwerse et al. 2004] or text readability, where the detection of collocations as a marker of genres can increase the accuracy of computational tools devoted to these tasks


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    Nel corso degli ultimi trent’anni la crescente presenza di studentesse e studenti neoarrivati, immigrati e figli di genitori immigrati ha fortemente influenzato la societĂ  italiana e ha impegnato il sistema scolastico al fine di favorire la loro integrazione linguistica e sociale. Nonostante nel corso degli ultimi decenni il numero delle studentesse e degli studenti alloglotti sia aumentato sensibilmente, solo a partire dall’anno scolastico 2017/2018 Ăš stata introdotta la figura del docente di Lingua italiana per discenti di lingua straniera. L’assenza di docenti esperti e competenti nell’ambito della didattica dell’italiano L2, infatti, ha a lungo caratterizzato gli interventi di integrazione linguistica rivolti agli studenti alloglotti. Per questo motivo l’istituzionalizzazione della classe di concorso A23-Lingua italiana per discenti di lingua straniera Ăš un momento fondamentale per il riconoscimento istituzionale dell’insegnamento dell’italiano L2 nella scuola pubblica. Il presente contributo si propone di ripercorrere le diverse tappe che hanno portato al primo inserimento dei docenti della classe di concorso A23 e mette in luce i problemi e le criticitĂ  emerse durante i primi tre anni scolastici di servizio.   A short history of the competition class A23 - Italian language for foreign language learners Over the last thirty years, the arrival of a large number of foreign people has had a considerable impact on Italian society. Consequently, the national school system has been greatly affected, seen in daily life at Italian schools. Since the 2017/2018 school year, for the first time, teachers who had successfully completed a structured course on teaching Italian as a second language were included in Italian public school staff. For a long time, Italian public schools did not have highly qualified staff able to face problems linked to learning Italian as a second language. For this reason, the recruitment of A23 teachers can be considered key. This paper focuses on the major steps that led to the inclusion of professionals qualified to teach Lingua italiana per discenti di lingua straniera. in Italian public schools

    New materials for Li-ion batteries : synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of Li2(FeMnCo) SiO4 cathode materials

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    Improving cathode materials is mandatory for next-generation Li-ion batteries. Exploring polyanion compounds with high theoretical capacity such as the lithium metal orthosilicates, Li2MSiO4 is of great importance. In particular, mixed silicates represent an advancement with practical applications. Here we present results on a rapid solid state synthesis of mixed Li2(FeMnCo)SiO4 samples in a wide compositional range. The solid solution in the P21/n space group was found to be stable for high iron concentration or for a cobalt content up to about 0.3 atom per formula unit. Other compositions led to a mixture of polymorphs, namely Pmn21 and Pbn21. All the samples contained a variable amount of Fe3+ ions that was quantified by Mössbauer spectroscopy and confirmed by the TN values of the paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition. Preliminary characterization by cyclic voltammetry revealed the effect of Fe3+ on the electrochemical response. Further work is required to determine the impact of these electrode materials on lithium batteries

    Anatomical landmarks for ultrasound‐guided rectus femoris diagnostic nerve block in post‐stroke spasticity

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    Introduction/Purpose To determine the location of the rectus femoris (RF) motor branch nerve, as well as its coordinates with reference to anatomical and ultrasound landmarks. Methods Thirty chronic stroke patients with stiff knee gait (SKG) and RF hyperactivity were included. The motor nerve branch to the RF muscle was identified medially to the vertical line from anterior superior iliac spine and the midpoint of the superior margin of the patella (line AP) and vertically to the horizontal line from the femoral pulse and its intersection point with the line AP (line F). The point of the motor branch (M) was located with ultrasound, and nerve depth and subcutaneous tissue thickness (ST) were calculated. Results The coordinates of the motor branch to the RF were 2.82 (0.47) cm medially to the line AP and 4.61 (0.83) cm vertically to the line F. Nerve depth and subcutaneous tissue thickness were 2.71 (0.62) cm and 1.12 (0.75) cm, respectively. Conclusion The use of specific coordinates may increase clinicians' confidence when performing RF motor nerve block. This could lead to better decision-making when assessing SKG in chronic stroke patients

    Ethical and Forensic Issues in the Medico-Legal and Psychological Assessment of Women Asylum Seekers

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    Asylum-seeking migrants represent a vulnerable segment of the population, and among them, women constitute an even more vulnerable group. Most of these women and girls have been exposed to threats, coercion, and violence of many kinds, including rape, forced prostitution, harassment, sexual slavery, forced marriage and pregnancy, female genital mutilation/excision, and/or other violations of their rights (e.g., deprivation of education, prohibition to work, etc.). The perpetrators of the violence from which they flee are often their own families, partners, and even institutional figures who should be in charge of their protection (such as police officers). In the process for the acceptance/rejection of an asylum application, the forensic and psychological certification can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful applications, as it can support the credibility of the asylum seeker through an assessment of the degree of compatibility between the story told and the diagnostic and forensic evidence. This is why constant and renewed reflection on the ethical, forensic, and methodological issues surrounding medico-legal and psychological certification is essential. This article aims to propose some reflections on these issues, starting from the experience of the inward healthcare service dedicated to Migrant Victims of Maltreatment, Torture, and Female Genital Mutilation operating since 2018 at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University Hospital of Palermo

    Sensor-Based Rehabilitation in Neurological Diseases: A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Trends

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    Background: As the field of sensor-based rehabilitation continues to expand, it is important to gain a comprehensive understanding of its current research landscape. This study aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis to identify the most influential authors, institutions, journals, and research areas in this field. Methods: A search of the Web of Science Core Collection was performed using keywords related to sensor-based rehabilitation in neurological diseases. The search results were analyzed with CiteSpace software using bibliometric techniques, including co-authorship analysis, citation analysis, and keyword co-occurrence analysis. Results: Between 2002 and 2022, 1103 papers were published on the topic, with slow growth from 2002 to 2017, followed by a rapid increase from 2018 to 2022. The United States was the most active country, while the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology had the highest number of publications among institutions. Sensors published the most papers. The top keywords included rehabilitation, stroke, and recovery. The clusters of keywords comprised machine learning, specific neurological conditions, and sensor-based rehabilitation technologies. Conclusions: This study provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of sensor-based rehabilitation research in neurological diseases, highlighting the most influential authors, journals, and research themes. The findings can help researchers and practitioners to identify emerging trends and opportunities for collaboration and can inform the development of future research directions in this field
